Boter - Butter

We worked on a few projects with Mark in the past, and they were always a lot of fun and filled with absurdity. However, this film is the complete opposite. From the very beginning, he asked me if I wanted to be involved in the production, partly because of the name of my business: NoMercyProduction.

Here is Mark’s director’s statement: “For me, it wasn’t about the violence or showing it. It was more about what happens when the cause of trauma is removed. Trauma, derived from the Greek word for ‘wound,’ always comes with (temporary) loss of function. When the wound is psychological, it also leads to functional loss—you struggle to function as a person. Everyone sustains wounds in life, and we pause for a while, but most of us manage to recover. For many others, it’s a waiting game—waiting for salvation, for the cavalry, to be rescued.

If the cause of the trauma is not addressed, it festers, it rots. Fully aware of the decay and the pain, you desperately try to mask the smell.”